Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ticket King St Paul has a lot of Friends
(some with fur)

Cortney is on vacation so Ticket Kristy (that’s me!) is holding down the fort. I thought I would take a minute to update everyone on the personal happenings of Ticket King St Paul this week.

Yesterday was a busy day here at Ticket King on West 7th Street. We had a lot of customers stop in to pick up tickets. I thought with the snow storm things would be slow, but I was wrong. The St Paul streets were cleared of snow by 9am and traffic was moving swiftly and parking was a breeze. I also had several customers stop in looking for holiday gifts for the sports fan in their life. I sold some Gophers Hockey tickets and Gophers Basketball Tickets (not St Paul events, I know, but we sell tickets to everything).

This morning, I also had to dispose of a furry mouse “friend” of Cortney’s. When I took out some trash from the basement, I noticed the mouse trap behind the bag had a dead furry critter firmly stuck to it. It was yucky, but I put on a brave face and a large plastic bag over my entire arm and carried the mouse to the garbage out back. I know Cortney will be happy to hear about all of this when she gets back!

p.s. The Ticket King St Paul fax drives me crazy – the fan is so loud and I have had to remove several paper jams.


Twin Cities Music Fan said...

Cortney is going to be so sad that she missed the mouse! Maybe you should save it for her so she can say 'good bye' to it when she's back from Aruba!

Ticket King Minneapolis said...

Awwww... I wish we had furry little minions running around here at Ticket King Minneapolis!! Although I don't know about that particular rodent. We're hoping for an 'office cat' or two... Hey, we can dream can't we?


Anonymous said...

I just re-read this post and started laughing out loud - I did have an interesting week over at your office - snow, walk-in customers galore, a disgruntled fax machine, burnt out light bulbs and a few dead mice. It was a great week, but I am glad you are back to take over!