Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Owl City Tickets at the Cabooze

So has anyone out there heard of the group Owl City? They're a local band from Owatonna - and they're quickly becoming an alternative favorite around the country. Kind of like our very own Minnesotan 3Oh!3, if you want to reference other local bands that have been going for the big time recently. Want to check them out? You're in luck! They're playing at the Cabooze September 26th, doors open at 6 PM. And Owl City Tickets are almost completely sold out for the show! I'm actually slightly surprised that they're playing such a small venue, because...c'mon. They're local. They probably will attract a good sized crowd, at least big enough to get them to First Ave. But I guess I shouldn't harp too much - if it's good enough for Daughtry, it's probably good enough for Owl City... ;)

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